Opens contents window to display chunk's contents in clear
; edit button
MSG_SH_Edit (//)
Opens binary or text editor depending on chunk's contents.\n(Only enabled if file is editable)
; add button
MSG_SH_Add (//)
Adding new chunks is currently unimplemented
; del button
MSG_SH_Del (//)
Removes the selected chunk.\nKey shortcut is the `Del' key.\n(Only enabled if file is editable)
; move button
MSG_SH_Move (//)
Move the selected chunk up, down, top, or bottom.\nChunks cannot be moved out of their container.\n(Only enabled if file is editable)
; show cycle
MSG_SH_Show (//)
Specifies what information is displayed in the chunk list.\nUse space bar to cycle.
; save button
MSG_SH_Save (//)
Changes will be written to the same file\n(Original file will be lost)
; save as button
MSG_SH_SaveAs (//)
Changes will be written to a different file\n(Original file will be unaffected)
; quit button
MSG_SH_Quit (//)
Quits IFFMaster
; prefs: save button
MSG_SH_PrefsSave (//)
Preferences will be saved to survive a re-boot
; prefs: use button
MSG_SH_PrefsUse (//)
Preferences will be used only until a re-boot
; prefs: cancel button
MSG_SH_PrefsCancel (//)
Preferences will be discarded
; prefs: editor
MSG_SH_PrefsEditor (//)
Editor to be used on text/binary chunks\n(Use a `-sticky' option to prevent the\neditor from spawning itself)
; prefs: hex indicator
MSG_SH_PrefsHexIndicator (//)
That hex indicator will be used in the contents window\n(e.g. for displaying unknown flags)
; prefs: limithex
MSG_SH_PrefsLimitHex (//)
Some hex dumps can take quite long to generate.\nUse a low limit on slow computers.
; prefs: limithex
MSG_SH_PrefsHexChars (//)
Some fonts feature all 256 characters.\nIf you use such a font you may switch to `all'.
; contents window:
MSG_SH_Contents (//)
\033bContents window:\033n\nShows contents of selected chunk in chunk list.\nCursor left or right to change page.\nYou need not close this window before\nselecting another chunk in the chunk list